Feel the freedom of having your own place in Buenos Aires.
Sentí la libertad de tener tu propio lugar en Buenos Aires.
Love and effort were the two keys that inspired me to create SohoPoint back in 2009.
My experience travelling around the world was the reason that took me to build this space where each guest could feel like they were home. That’s how this special place came into life. SohoPoint is designed to bring quietness and privacy, yet in the heart of a modern neighborhood full of restaurants, bars, night clubs, design stores and people willing to share and enjoy Argentinian culture.
Mariano – Director
El esfuerzo y el amor me inspiraron para crear SohoPoint en 2009.
La experiencia de viajar por el mundo me motivó a construir un espacio donde cada huésped pudiera sentirse como en su propia casa. Así nació este lugar especial, diseñado para brindar tranquilidad y privacidad en un barrio rodeado de restaurantes, bares, clubes nocturnos, tiendas de diseño y gente dispuesta a compartir y disfrutar la cultura argentina.
Mariano – Director